LOTR (AKA lord of the rings)

In Indonesia we started reading The hobbit. The hobbit is a book(and movie) about bilbo baggins and his adventures with, the 13 dwarves(which are Thorin, Ori, Dori, Nori, Kili, Fili, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dwalin and Balin) and Gandalf the wizard to destroy Smaug and to take back the land of the dwarves. SPOILER ALERT Frodo baggins(nephew of Bilbo baggins) goes to Mordor with 7 companions( which are Legolas the Elf, Gimli the dwarf, Aragorn the king of Gondor,)( which you find out in the last movie) Barimir the human, Merry the Hobbit, Sam the hobbit and pippin the hobbit. In LOTR Frodo started the adventure with only Sam, Merry and Pippin. Then they met Aragorn, met up with Gandalf, went to Rivendell and met Gimli, Legolas and Barimir.   When they make it in the mountain Gandalf dies. Then some Orcs take Merry and Pippin into the forest of the Ents. The orcs run away because of the Ent treebeard. In the meanwhile the others make it to woods, Barimir dies by an orc then Frodo and Sam continue to Mordor. Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn try to find Merry and Pippin. Then when the three make it into the forest of Ents they find GANDALF THE WHITE. 

HIP-TIP: for the rest read the book or watch the movie because the rest is very hard to tell.


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