Cairns, Australia. Flying to Australia Raining Heavy rain More and more rain Searching for indoor activities Cairns Library The Empire Too much water to drive After parking the car Lots of hotel room time Flood Loose teeth Water dries... ...damage remains Back to the Empire Crocodile Dundee on TV - how perfect! Abandoned car from flood Guard comes to help Cairns Aquarium Ray close-up Long-neck turtles Feeding the sharks and rays "Grumpy Grouper" Lionfish Leo lost a tooth Flood aftermath Build your own fro-yo Flood is over, heatwave begins Mall Christmas Christmas Eve Sunday roast Christmas Eve Josh's rhubarb crisp Makeshift stockings Santa came Christmas dinner Strolling along the Cairns Esplanade Huge flying fox bats Huge mangrove tree Pavlova Josephine Falls So much rainJosephine FallsMore flood rainThe EmpireGrumpy GrouperFlying Fox bats