Boat day

Fethiye, Turkey

Boat day! Embarking from Olüdinez beach, we made 4 stops: a cold water swimming cove, St. Nicholas Island, Butterfly Valley, and a cave beach. There were so many blue tones in the sea and sky today. Cerulean, royal, aquamarine, navy, blueberry, cornflower, a light greenish blue…

A French couple in their late 60s maybe, were passengers on the boat today, too. She had a round face and a round body, short, blonde bob with modest-sized gold hoop earrings. He had a big belly, a smaller bald spot than you’d expect for his age, with a kind, bulbous nose. Together they had a calm yet adventurous spirit that I found so attractive. At every stop they eased into the cold, cold water for a swim. Then, they’d sit on the 2nd deck of the boat to smoke a cigarette. Several times she offered (mostly with hand gestures, as our words didn’t translate), to take a family photo of us. Vacationing in Turkey, the two of them. I wish we’d been able to communicate; I think I would have enjoyed talking with them.

Ari lost his flip-flops today on some beach. He gets so mad at himself, which we all understand, and even though he had outgrown those anyway, it’s frustrating to have him lose things so often. Most frustrating for him, that’s for sure.

Today Leo asked what I thought the most annoying sound was and the most annoying smell. I’d never thought of a smell being annoying before.

Josh is reaching Percy Jackson to the boys and they love it. I think it’s a story that’s been told a million times. The story line is predictable and the characters are predictable. Young boy who doesn’t know his full power, on a quest to save the world. Harry Potter + Lord of the Rings = Percy Jackson.

the French couple, him taking photos of her in the water

Katie Miller

Founder and Curator, Ladies be Funny

So many questions


Driving a stick