Maybe you CAN take it with you

Cairo, Egypt

Ancient Egyptians laugh in the face of, “You can’t take it with you.”

Oh, yes I can. And I will. Lots of it.

Pharaohs were buried with heaps of treasures in their tombs - jewelry, silverware, tools, mummified meat. Same with Qin Shi Huang, first emperor of the Qin dynasty. Some 700,000 people labored for more than 3 decades to build the clay soldiers, horses, and tools believed to aid the emperor post-death.

I wonder if it worked. I wonder if they are in the afterlife with their servants, eating the food they packed, wearing the jewels they brought, sitting on the thrones they had placed beside their fancy, expensive coffins.

It doesn’t work that way. Or does it?

Katie Miller

Founder and Curator, Ladies be Funny

Oils and essences


Is Egypt for real?