Prizren, Kosovo.

The last news we’d heard of Kosovo was on the news in the late ‘90s when war broke out, so we didn’t really know what to expect. At that time, the Serbian minority in Kosovo felt ethnic Albanians had too much control and forced a million ethnic Albanians out of the country. It took several attempts with outside intervention to stop the fighting.

The two biggest cities in Kosovo are Pristina, the capital, with 550,000 people and Prizren, with a population of 170,000. We stayed a night in Prizren and would have been happy to

stay longer. There were some signs of post-war rebuilding in Prizren, but apparently most of the fighting happened in border villages.

We were telling a little about our trip to one of the hotel staff, a young man in his mid-30s. He then shared with us one of his favorite quotes, “The best book is a passport full of stamps.”

Stunning views of northern Kosovo

Construction by valley views

360 view of Prizren, Kosovo from Stone Bridge

Prizren market