Mummy madness

Mummies are... I don't know how to put this in a way that's not BRUTAL but I'll try. Let's say you're making a comic about mummies, and this is what the main idea is,  dead humans get all organs taken out of the body and put into jars, then the body gets wrapped in silk so it does not decay. I think there might be a little (maybe a lot) stuff that I didn't mention. However, if you go to my blog "what I learned at the Museum of Civilizations" you can see what mummies are.

Okay, let's get back to mummies. At the Museum of Civilizations we saw not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, but 22 mummies that we saw at the Museum of Civilizations 🤯!!! And most pharaohs get turned into mummies once there dead. 😳

There was another place we went to that had about 10 crocodile mummies. Before all this I didn't even know mummies existed, but there I was staring at a bunch of CROCODILE MUMMIES!!! 😵‍💫🫨🐊

And we also just watched the first "Mummy" movie which was about this group of people going to this ancient Egyptian place to both, be interested and to find treasure. Then they open a sarcophagus and they find a mummy that is not moving... yet. Another group of people open a book and then the mummy just loses it.

Another thing to know about mummies is that they can not move... I think.


Expect the Unexpected


What I learned at the Museum of Civilizations