Halfway Checkpoint

Hard to believe we have already been on this trip for nearly 6 months. We have been to 13 countries on the trip (not including our 8 hour layover in Singapore). It feels like a long time ago we left Minnesota, likewise it has flown by so fast. As we've traveled thru more of the world, my appreciation of the sheer immensity of Earth has grown. We have seen so much, yet with an increasing awareness of how much we will not. We have seen and done so many things, but we also need to rest and just be. We've improved at relaxing-though it can still feel guilty. We've gotten better at facing adversity and persevering or just rolling with the punches. We made it thru the holidays homesickness-though it never really hit me. We are better at forgiving each other-while we get on each other's nerves. We have missed our loved ones, but we just met some new ones. We are better at blogging-ok, I'm not, but 3/4 of the MGs ain't too shabby. 


Namibia Travel Log


Burj Khalifa