Unexpected Downtime: Altering Peru Itinerary

After the retina detachment surgery, I was told that I needed to be face down for 10 days and not to lift anything heavy or swim for a month.  So, the trip to Cusco and Machu Pichu were missed and we decided to cancel our trip to the Amazon.  When we first started brainstorming our trip, the Amazon and the Pyramids were my 'must-dos' of this whole adventure.  And right out of the gates we had to skip 1 of them.  On top of that,  2 of the life changes I was excited about for this trip were for me to get less screen time and more exercise.  And, here I was: face down not moving with my face hovering over a screen streaming Suits on Netflix.

Suffice to say, I was feeling sorry for myself and questioning if this was the universe telling me to quit the trip and go home. 

After getting thru the facedown time, I was at least able to acknowledge some positives to get out of my funk.  Because the silicon oil vs. gas was used, I could fly and we didn't need to figure out how we would adjust or split up for the next month of our journey. Katie successfully arranged for herself and the boys to visit Machu Picchu in the end, which relieved me of any guilt about them missing out on that part of our adventure. I didn't really dent the budget much during the last 2 weeks of Peru. Plus, there were worse things that could have happened medically to me which certainly would have put a stop to this trip.  We knew there would be hiccups and setbacks, we just hit a big one up front.


Strategic Stop


Retinal Detachment