Strategic Stop

We had planned a return to the U.S., specifically Seattle, sandwiched between our Peru explorations and the upcoming adventures in China. This stop wasn't just a pause in our journey; it was a thought-out step for several reasons:

  1. Cost-Effective Travel:

    Combining two separate flights – Seattle after Peru and then onto China – proved to be more budget-friendly than a direct Peru to China flight.

  2. Reflect and Reassess:

    After a month of traveling, we wanted to take a moment to evaluate our experiences. What worked? What didn't? This stop was our opportunity to streamline our luggage further and adjust our plans based on our learnings.

  3. Reconnecting and Recharging:

    Most importantly was reconnecting with friends for one more heartfelt send-off. Visiting the Deicherts in Seattle was not just a reunion; it was a chance for us to unwind, debrief, and reset our minds for the next leg of our journey. Also, having Sean, a life-long friend and an accomplished woodworker who moonlights as a spinal PA, drive up from Portland for the weekend was incredibly rejuvenating. Katie was able to get a night of laughs and catch-up with her adored friend Ryan whose presence at University of Washington justifies the tuition.

Personal Reflections:

  1. Cost-Effective Travel:

    I was happy this didn't get messed up with my eye surgery and needing to cancel/adjust flights. Plus, there was a bonus to coming back to Seattle which allowed me to have a check-up on my eye with a doctor that spoke English. In short, I learned all was progressing well from a healing perspective and I could have my second surgery to remove the oil whenever I liked. But, getting my vision back fully was doubtful.

  2. Reflect and Reassess:

    While we certainly were able to do much reflecting on our previous month, reassessing was minimal. With my eye impacting a majority of time in Peru, our only real reassessment was to embrace a more 'Slow Down' philosophy for our future travels.

  3. Reconnecting and Recharging:

    The Seattle stop was everything I hoped for here. Staying with the Deicherts (see our Seattle photo album) and having Sean visit us was a perfect blend of comfort and recharge. This pause in Seattle helped me refocus and approach the next phase of our travels liking where my 'head is at', albeit with a little anxiousness about the 2nd surgery still to come.


Forbidden Cars


Unexpected Downtime: Altering Peru Itinerary