Typical days

Lombok, Indonesia

It’s Sunday today, but who can tell the difference? Every day is the same as the wonderful day before it.

Our laundry was returned by the same woman on the same motor scooter that whisked it away yesterday. This time, though, it took up much less real estate on her scooter, as it was all perfectly folded, no extra room needed for the space between wrinkled shirts and socks.

Tomorrow, we snorkel! A driver with a glass-bottomed boat will pick us up after breakfast and take us to Gili Islands to snorkel with the sea life. I’m most excited about seeing sea turtles, which apparently live happily and in abundance around the Gili Islands.

I wish I could gauge how well or how far we are in school. I’m not sure of their levels or where we are in relation to where their peers are as far as curriculum covered in 6th and 3rd grades. Though, being your own comparison, competing against yourself is also a valid measure of growth.

Daylight Savings Time in the U.S. makes us now 14 or 15 hours ahead of most of our family rather than 13 or 14 hours ahead.

A woman at the pool today engaged Leo in a series of questions about him and us. Do you have a phone? What’s your phone number? Do you have Instagram? And, when Leo told her about our trip, she asked, “Is your dad rich?”

Katie Miller

Founder and Curator, Ladies be Funny


All together


Days we relish