Traveling the Six Seas

Today I woke up at 5:00 and had breakfast. For breakfast I had a boxed breakfast because we were at a hotel and breakfast starts at 6:30. It was bread with butter and jelly, yogurt (that we didn't have) and juice. We got up so early because we were going to go to Komodo island. We got picked up at 5:45 to go to the boat.

 We got to the boat and it was bigger and cooler than I thought. It had seats to hold up to 30 people, (there were only 15-ish people there) a ladder to the upper deck and you had to take off your shoes. Our tour guide was named Robert and he said he was from LA but he was actually from Indonesia.

 There were six places we were going to, the first place was a hike to see a really good view of the islands and the beaches. I got off the boat and before we even went on the walk there were deer just on the beach eating food. It was so weird!! Every person that spoke English took at least 5 breaks to get to the top of the hike. It took about 30 minutes to get to the top for us and maybe 15 minutes for people who live there, in Indonesia. Our tour guide took pictures of dad and I and dad looked like a sweaty blob. I did pretty well keeping my sweat in. HAHA.

The second stop was snorkeling or relaxing and I of course chose snorkeling cause who wouldn't. When I was snorkeling I saw lots of shells and fish, one of the fish had a huge spine that wasn't even attached to the body. Another one of the fish was oval but the long way and it was black. Right when you want to get out of the water you can't because since the water is so strong you will just fall down. (I fell down about 10 times). 

The third and best part was Komodo island. I got off the boat and we had to walk 10 minutes because the dock was huge. When we got off the island our tour guide gave us a different tour guide for Komodo island; and his parents named him Jackie Chan because he looked like him when he was born. We went to the bathroom before the tour, because our tour guide said β€œthere's no bathroom in the woods, the woods is the komodos bathroom.” At the very start there was a two year old komodo dragon that was walking. Our tour guide said the mother will eat their children if she sees them again after they hatch. The second komodo dragon was laying in the shade under some leaves that had spikes. We got a picture with it when we were behind it and then it put its head up and we all moved about 5 feet farther away. The third komodo was lying in the shade too and it was huge. We went behind it and I touched the komodo dragon. It was so cool.

I got back on the boat and they gave us lunch. I thought we were going to go somewhere to get our lunch but instead we had it on the boat. You could either choose fish or chicken, I choose chicken because my grandpa makes the best fish and because any other restaurant I go to the fish is bad. I do know we are on the ocean so the fish would be good but I've had good experiences with chicken. 

We went snorkeling AGAIN, but this time it was the whole group. There was a huge coral reef with lots and lots of schools of fish. At the very end of our time at the coral reef, there was a sea turtle. It was right above the cliff in the ocean so it was pitch black down there, so if you know me I was obviously scared, like a LOT. The sea turtle came up for breath a couple of times. Ari, on a different snorkeling trip, touched one, so lucky. 

Sorry forgot to tell you how difficult it was to get up the stairs and jump off of the stairs. You had to walk sideways up the stairs and it is impossible to walk normally, so yah. The fifth stop was ANOTHER snorkeling session but this time we were going to see the manta-rays. Sadly I did not see any manta-rays but I did see a huge fish that scared the bananas out of me. For me it looked like 70 inches in length and in height was 36 inches. We didn't have that much time before we got back on the boat because right when we got off the boat the boat showed up right behind me.

Last but not least is the relaxing or snorkeling session, but this time there were so many different types of fish. There are black fish, oval fish, orange fish, and coral fish. One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. The coral was so high up that it was super hard to get to shore. There were starfish, sea anemones, rocks and enemies. After that I got back on the boat and went back to the dock that we left at, and got a taxi back to our hotel. That night I played cards with my family at the restaurant at the hotel.


The Big Scene


The Seattle haircut