The Big Scene

Today I woke up at 8:00 am or 9:00 am. I can't really remember. We just got to New Zealand and we have jet lag so that means when it is 11:00 pm I am not tired and 11 am I am tired, so yeah. For breakfast I had pancakes, eggs and bacon.

 Today we are going to the Hobbiton which is where The Hobbit was filmed. When we got there we went into the gift shop and there were so many sculptures of all the characters, there was even a human sized manikin of Gandalf. In the gift shop I talked my dad into getting ice cream. I got Caramel Fudge, my dad got Hokey Pokey, my mom got Mint Chip and Ari got superman. We got picked up by a bus and that is where we met our tour guide, David. Spoiler alert in the hobbit there is a hobbit named Bilbo who goes on a adventure with gandalf, Thorin Oakenshield and 12 other dwarves; Dwalin, Balin, Fili, Kili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur and Bombur. When  we got to the place where it was filmed and it was huge, there were 44 houses for the movie. People got paid to make one part of it for only 7 seconds of the movie. Misuse of money am I right. HAHA. In the movie the hobbits go in the huge doors and the dwarves go in the small doors so that is what makes the hobbits look small, isn't that so cool. There was one door where you could go Inside of it but there was nothing in the door, it was just for pictures. Once we got to Bilbo's house there was a sign that said No Admittance Unless on Party Business. After the hobbiton we went back home and watched the second movie of the hobbit. And then we had dinner and went to bed cause we were super tired of the big day. THE END


Illuminescent Bugs


Traveling the Six Seas