Camping 2.0

We are doing something I thought we were never going to do… Camping!! We are camping on our truck because our truck has tents that pop out on the top of our car and an awning that is kind of like a curtain that shades us from the sun. It comes with a table and four chairs, four forks, four spoons, four knives, four cups and four plates. To me it sounds like everything is meant for four people and if it is, then great because personally I live in a family of four.

Our first place we went was a place that had a tire swing, a very little pond and cows walking right next to us and it was our first place that we had to set up our tent and we weren't that good. In the first 4 days of camping we got 2 flat tires and the first one was when we went to a viewpoint to the Fish River Canyon and it was probably 109 degrees out so we were sweating our a**es off as you could imagine. The second flat tire was when we were at a farm campsite and the owner took us for a ride around his farm. One cool thing I heard was that there were about 60 tons of grapes that he was farming. 

One of my favorite campsites that we have stayed in was Canyon Farmland and the reason that was my favorite was because it had a pool. The great thing about the pool was that it cooled you off right away because it was super hot, like in the 110 for the whole week. The second thing is that they had an apple strudel that you could not beat. 

My most favorite thing about this camping trip is the truck but the thing under it is the experience because I personally love roasting food like brats, hot dogs and s'mores, and that our tent is on the truck because I don't really want beetles and bullet ants on me when I wake up. One of the things I don't like about this camping is that there are mosquitoes that suck your blood and make you want to itch your bite but you shouldn't because then it will never go away and just be a scab. 

Our next place we stayed was a place that was covered in desert and in the morning we had to wake up at 5:00 in the morning to go climb a sand dune and see the sun rise over the desert. We went to the stop that was called Deadvlei to see a place where there were dead trees still standing from 800 years ago! When I was heading back to the car after seeing the sunrise there was a springbok that ran right next to me! 

We left and headed to our car because first of all we wanted to go eat and second of all we wanted to get to our campsite. On our way to our next campsite we wanted to go to the skeleton coast where there are shipwrecks on the beach. When we wanted to leave we stopped at a bakery because like I said I was hungry. We got two muffins, some meat pies, and some cookies for the road. We went to our campsite and we figured out that there was a pool but then we figured out that there had to be at least 30 hornets just dead in there so I was like “no thank you” our campsite was number 1 so it was the closest to the road. That night we roasted some marshmallows and had some leftover meat and potatoes. 

When we woke up our plan for the day was to go see some seals but when we got there we didn't really appreciate the number of seals because when we got there, there were probably over 100,000 seals but when it's mating season then there are about 210,000 seals at Cape Cross. Our camping site was going to be an animal campsite where you could see animals at night including elephants. But when we got there, there was no one there, so we got back in the truck to go wild camping. Probably 30 minutes to an hour after we got there some people escorted us out because they said that that was their land for farming. The people there escorted us to the same place that we were going to go to before. When we got to our campsite, the security guard took us for a tour to go see some elephant footprints and some elephant poo. 

When I woke up I saw my dad playing Slice and Dice which is my favorite non-console game that I have been playing to entertain myself. Today we were going to go to Etosha Trading Post for the night and then when we woke up we were going to go to the Etosha National Park.

The first day in Etosha National Park we saw all sorts of animals such as springbok, elephants, oryxs which have very long, very sharp horns, giraffes, zebras, jackets, wildebeests, and some ostriches. The second day we saw springbok, oryx, zebras, wildebeest, jackals, ostrich, kudus, rhino's and a hyena eating a giraffe's neck. The third day we saw rhino's, ostriches, springbok and a baby wildebeests and finally on the last day of it we saw a lioness and then a lioness with a lion, SUPER Cool. On the second day we went into the park and stayed at a campsite called Okaukuejo. 

We are now staying at a hostel called chameleon backpackers, and it has a pool that we aren't going to use and a pretty decent breakfast. We are going to return this truck and fly to Egypt tomorrow!! 

If you want to learn more stuff and from another person's perspective then you should just make your way to my brother's “Crazy Camping” blog.


The Greatest History!


HalfWay Point