The Greatest History!

Today we went to the National Egyptian Museum and saw some mummies and learned a lot of stuff about the past dynasty. One of the foods that has been eaten ever since 4,000 B.C in the predynastic period is bread. Also early Egyptians called dessert “Ka’ak” which is an origin of the word “cake”. Humans started making stone tools more than 2 million years ago! One of the stone tools that people started making a long time ago was the silo. The Egyptians used silos to mainly store grains and wheat so that they could make bread for people to eat. Before people started making tents the people used mats, leather and think linen to make a sturdy-wish tent. A king named Qa'a was the last king of the first dynasty to witness a rise of the monarchy  and the establishment of the unified states. A god named Shu was depicted as a crouching Lion that controls the boundaries of the universe. 

When we went downstairs to go see the mummies the first thing I noticed was that every single mummy was related in some way. One of the Ramses that was down there had about 100 kids!!! There were at least 11 Ramses down where the mummies were. Ramses the lll was killed by a dagger to the throat and for some reason his toe got cut off by an axe. His wife was the one who plotted the murder and some people said the butler had some of the guilt too. When we finished the mummy part we all wanted to have some lunch so we went to a place that was in the museum. 

Ari and I shared a pizza and chicken nuggets, mom had a salad with some mozzie sticks and my dad got a pizza. For dessert I got a carrot cake, Ari got a brownie, dad got a cheesecake and mom got a berry tart. 

When we were done we wanted to watch a 35 minute video about mummies and king Tut. We finished the movie and my mom said “let's go to the gift shop” so we all went to the gift shop. The only thing there I thought was interesting was the chess board. We left and called for a Uber to come pick us up to go to our hotel.

p.s. You couldn’t take pictures of the mummies at the museum ☹️.


The Dead Sea


Camping 2.0