The Saklikent Gorge

When we woke up we started watching the Timberwolves game, and ate pancakes which we have had for the majority of our time on this trip. After we watched the Timberwolves game[oh , and by the way the timberwolves won]we got ready to go on a hike. 

When we got there we didn't really expect that it was going to be in a creek where sometimes the water went up to your chest. Since dad and I brought tennis shoes with socks we had to rent a pair of water shoes. When we started to go on the creek we saw lots of writing on the rocks with mud so we started doing it. Don't worry it's not like graffiti where it stays on for life because since it has seasonal floods it will just wash it away we eventually got to a place where you could either go into very deep water that you have to swim in or swing across, so I chose grab onto a rope to haul yourself up onto a rock not that far from there was a waterfall that me and my dad tried to get over but the water was too deep to get over so we turned back. On our way back we saw some other people and asked them if that was the proper ending spot, and they said β€œyes” so I was happy about that because I didn't want to be the only family to not get over the waterfall. On our way back we did that same choice of going on the rope or going in the water. This time I swam across because first of all people were already going across the rope and because, why not. 

When we got back, I think I was the most soaked out of everybody because I fell a lot of times on the way back. We returned our shoes and I saw that the shoes made a chunk of my dad's heels come off and it wasn't bleeding that bad, so that was good we got back to our hotel and dad, mom and I went to a Lebanese restaurant and had some dinner while Ari had leftover pizza. Then Ari and I watched school of rock starring Jack Black and mom looked at some AI videos.


The Albanian Birthday


The Dead Sea