The Dead Sea

When we woke up, we had breakfast which was a yogurt thing-a-ma-bob and when we finished we got our swimming suits on to go to the Dead Sea! When we got down to the Dead Sea I saw that there were some rocks, and my theory is that minnesotans aren't really rock people because we aren't next to an ocean like Florida or Calafornia. So I wore my flip flops just to be safe. We put on sun screen and I took off my flip flops because we were gonna go into the water and I didn't want them to float away. When we got in I accidentally stepped on a sharp rock and fell into the water. When I fell and landed in the water I started floating and I wasn't even trying to, because this sea has nine times more salt than a regular ocean you can float so easily that if you try to go under water you can't. It's kind of like a bobber when you go fishing. 

Another person came down to the sea and helped my parents do a mud bath. A mud bath is where you put mud on yourself to make your skin soft and it's good for your body. The steps for the mud bath is easy, number 1 is stay in the lake for ten minutes, number 2 is rub salt on your body, number 3 is cover your whole body with mud and lay in the he sun for ten minutes, number 4 is take rocks and rub your feet with them, number 5 is sanding your body with pebbles, and the last step is to go back into the water and rinse off the mud. 

When my parents were done we all went up to the pool to swim in some water that wasn't infected by salt. The pool was a huge infinity pool that was great for a ball to be thrown in. Luckily we had a ball that could skip on water, so we used that for a little bit and Ari, dad and I got 18 catches in a row. I know that sounds not that good but it's harder than you think. 

When we got out of the pool we had lunch, and I had a cheese burger that was probably my second favorite burger of all time. We finished and we had a tour of what's all included in our apartment. Ari and I both really wanted to see the recreation room that had a ping pong table and it had a pool table. When we got there I played a pool game and lost, then Ari and I played a ping pong game and I won 24 to 22. 

We went back to our room and talked to my grandma and grandpa about where we were and what we were doing. I finished school and was able to watch TV and play games for a little bit. When it was dark out I looked at the stars and tried to find the constellation Leo and find the Northstar but I couldn't because the moon was too bright for any of the other stars to appear. We then went to bed. 😴😴


The Saklikent Gorge


The Greatest History!