The Puzzled Salmon

Great is what today was going to be fun because we were going to puzzling world where there are illusions and at the end there was a pretty big maze. We were also going to go salmon fishing. Before we get to all the juicy stuff let me tell you what we had for breakfast, we had a super normal thing and that was oatmeal. We went to a pharmacy to give christmas cards to our friends and family, Spoiler Alert. We also had to drop off my mom at a doctor so that she could get a prescription filled. So when my mom was at the doctor the rest of the family went to puzzling world. It was such a pity she couldn't come.

Out of the car we went and into the store we went. When we got there we paid of course and one of the directors led us to the illusions room because the main door to the illusions room had construction going on. We finally got to the first room, ( Hall Of Following Faces ) where wherever you walk it looks like the faces are following you, and all the faces are famous people, like Albert Einstein. Before the second room there were a few holograms and it was called the Hologram Hall. when you look at a lion from one angle it has sunglasses and the other angle it has no sunglasses. There was another thing that I forgot the name of but, it was like when you touch it the electrodes in it move to where your hand touches it, if that makes any sense. We got to the next room ( The Ames Illusion Room ) where the floor was tilted so one side of the room you look like a hobbit and the other you look like a troll. There is also a video camera that makes it look like it is flat on the screen so I would be huge and my dad would be small, so that's very cool technology. The second room ( Tilted House ) is where the floor is tilted a lot. There is a seat that you can sit in and it moves from floor to ceiling. I actually don't know how it works but it's COOL. There is also water that flows uphill, still don't know how it works and still COOL. The room is so tilted that you can lean to one side and it feels like you would fall over but you don't. The next room feels like a total not illusion room for me. There is a bench that two people are sitting on and the two peoples legs are the legs of the bench, that is the one of two illusion-like things in the room. There is a wall made of stone and on one side there are two people and a dog that are camouflaged into the stone wall and on the other side you can see the people and the dog perfectly in the nice sunshine with the cool breeze. This is the two of two illusion-like things in the room. It is such a classic one, the vase with the two faces. The next one you have to step into a telephone and the ceiling and the floor both have mirrors so when you look at the floor or the ceiling there is an infinite you. When we got to the end there were pictures of words and that word made another word. When we got to the end of the illusions room we bought three mango juices for us three and did some little puzzles and then we were going into the maze.

On to the maze we went. When we got into the maze there was a poster that said “challenge mode” or “normal mode”. The normal mode was to find all the towers and then find the exit, It took about 30 to 60 minutes and the challenge mode was to find all the towers in order from yellow, green, blue and then red, it took about 60 to 90 minutes. We of course chose challenge mode because well you know, why not. Before we found the second one ( in order ) we found a mist machine. My favorite three parts of the mist machine are that it makes you wet and it feels good and you have to find it first. It was super hot that day, it was about 80-85 degrees. After that we hit all of the other three and my favorite part of the towers is that you get a great view of the whole maze. 

Dad saw what time it was after the maze. He told me we had to leave and go pick up my mom from the doctor to go salmon fishing. I forgot we still had to do that. I was super excited, because I LOVE fishing. After we picked up my mom we went to the salmon fishing place. There was a person who told us the rules. The most important rule was whatever you catch you keep and Ari and I were the only ones to fish because it was cheaper. I was the first one to catch a fish and apparently the fish that I caught (a rainbow trout) was an invasive species so I got to cast and catch another fish. Ari caught a big salmon and I caught a big salmon on the second cast. We chose to eat one hot smoked and we chose to not eat the other one which was cold smoked. We left and went back to our airBnb. If you look at the first letter of each paragraph it will say what today was.


The Sticky Elephants


Illuminescent Bugs